Ninth Company – Krefey’s Celestial Lions Project

The Ninth Company – commanded by Anele

Anele, as befits the commander of the chapter’s devastator company, is relentless and as stubborn as a bull. Nigh on immovable in the heat of battle and able to organise a solid defensive position in a short amount of time, many foes have been cut to ribbons by the heavy weapons fire from the 9th company.

Command Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Squad

Devastator Centurion Squad

Devastator Centurion Squad

Brother Dreadnought

Brother Dreadnought

Brother Ironclad Dreadnought

Brother Ironclad Dreadnought

Brother Ironclad Dreadnought